this is my webbed site

best viewed on firefox 1920x1080

i love men i love men so much i love men i love men men are my world god i love men i love men i lvoe men i love men i love men i love men men men men men

i think i've already said the most important things. however.

hello, i am raziel (or more commonly known as raze, sometimes capitalized!!)
you've found my silly site. i am not that good at html/css so everything's a mess kind of and i mainly do things for myself . i wont be thinking of other people while working on this. so uh, mobile users, smaller screen users? good luck i guess.

my interests include anime, manga, wwasting time, writing, drawing, dragons and other very cool stuff i promise.
although i say that these are my interests, i am not very knowledgeable on them. i mainly just consume them, buy figures and then forget that it exists. currently going through an anime phase but i reckon worldbuilding obsession will return soon.

currently attempting to consume: nothing!